Heels for Sinking: A List

Heels for Sinking
Random Heel Facts
1. A stiletto is actually a dagger. Some might say a needle.
2. Scientists say that heels are both healthy and unhealthy; that heels are powerful and also debilitating; that they destroy and improve balance. In short, the science is far from settled on heels, but
3. Flip flops are horrible and unhygienic.
4. “Foot” is the most searched fetish term, with Gen Y consuming more feet (foot?) content than any generation. People love feet.
5. Walking 3 miles to work every day in a certain kind of Nikes may be cause so much pain that you want to burn them but bury them in a Natural Grocers dumpster instead.
6. Platforms take the pressure away from the pad of your foot
7. If you’re going to go for heels, thicker = better.
8. The term “slip resistant” means absolutely nothing in shoe branding. Converse “non-slip” shoes are actually patented slippers. (See also “natural” in food branding)
9. Dansko’s are mostly made in China.
10. The brands I rely on the most fit my size 40 feet and carry me through ten hour shifts in minor flood conditions, but they’re pricey at full cost. Still, some –a decade in or more– hold strong in style and structure and consistently prove their worth. That being said, I highly recommend
Sam Edelman
@the.bonannos Links to Jacqueline’s favorites are in our bio under “Heels for Sinking” bonannoconcepts workheels workboots workshoes heels comfortableheels 9to5 workshoe workingshoes cuteheels